Categories: Business

What are the most demanded professions of the future?

Hotmart, a global technology company and leader in the digital products market, has compiled a list of some of the main bets for the professions of the future, based on an analysis of market demand.

The labor market is in constant flux, mainly due to technological development. Although this was already a reality before the Covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic context has further accelerated this development and the use of new technologies. Thus, in recent years, while some professions have been doomed directly to disappearance, giving space to new ones, others have had to evolve and reinvent themselves.

At Hotmart itself, 37% of the jobs in 2021 are expected to be professionals in the technology areas (programmers, data analysts and scientists, UX and UI designers, information security analysts, etc. ). The second place is occupied by positions for professionals linked to the digital market (business consultants and marketing professionals) that represent 23% of the positions.

According to Hotmart’s forecasts, the most demanded in the coming years will be the following professions:


These professionals are already on the rise and everything suggests that in the coming years they will continue to do so. They are those specialists who disseminate and sell knowledge through Internet content, also known as digital influencers, who wield a total domain of social media. The knowledge of video, image and sound editing or copywriting is valued in a special way in this field and it is most likely that, to enter this market, each creator needs to master each of these skills to some extent.

Digital Marketing Professionals

The digital world and the global market have given a new life to marketing and digital marketing, today, it is considered a priority area of ​​development. Professionals who want to develop a career in this field are required to be experts in tools and techniques such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, SEO and email marketing.

Big Data Specialists

Currently, with the Internet, a huge amount of data is stored and managed in the world. Big Data specialists are key in this field, since they are in charge of organizing and interpreting data of various kinds and subsequently transforming them into important information applicable to specific needs and problems.

Environmental engineer

Climate change is now more visible than ever and a concern for society that seeks to reverse the negative impact that this change has had over the years on the planet. In this way, the great responsibility of these professionals is to reconcile technology with the environment, to create new systems and solutions for environmental management with a view to sustainable development.

Mental health specialists

Never before in the world has there been so much talk about mental health as now and all labor market forecasts indicate that the professions related to it (psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) will continue to have a clearly growing demand.

Hotmart offers all those who are looking for a niche in the future job market the possibility of becoming a creator, the first profession on their list of professions of the future, creating digital products such as ebooks, online courses, podcasts, online events and other formats. Find out how to get started in this market and create your first digital product here.

Joann Kirkland

A vernacular business entrepreneur, Joann initiated her startup from scratch with experience serving various well-known firms. She loves writing and devotes her spare time writing business news for The Croatia Times.