
How to Unleash the Power of Your Referral Network

When you’re starting to build your own business, a critical but sometimes overlooked skill is the ability to network with those around you. Of course, you must be able to articulate what you do well. Still, it’s even more critical that you’re able to turn a conversation into a client and therefore start building your network. A referral is when a connection in your network recommends your business to a new prospect. It may happen spontaneously during organic conversation or due to conscious referral marketing efforts.

Ask for referrals

Asking for reviews of your services is one of the best ways to build your referral network. It allows you to capture necessary feedback that enable you to make decisions that will improve your business. It also enables you to reward customers who offer recommendations.

Positive reviews can attract potential customers as they prove your excellence. So when you know you’re delivering competitive services to your clients, the inevitable next step for you should be to implement a system encouraging feedback from those satisfied with your business. In contrast, those not content with your performance can help you identify the gaps that need filling to meet future customers’ expectations.

Build relationships

Building relationships is vital to unleashing the power of your referral network. You can directly engage with existing and potential customers and learn about your business’ impact on people and how you can improve it. It can also boost your recognition and firmly establish your role as a community member. At the same time, it can give a personal touch to your brand. Simple techniques like sending personalized messages can help connect your brand with potential consumers.

It is human nature to respond positively to being valued. You can use this to considerably influence how you form connections that can work out for you and your business in the long run. People may choose you because you give them a sense of value, which others might not. It’s possible to prevail with any service with the required investment. But the way you build a relationship with your connections can set you apart from the competition.

Customer service

Your referral network is only sustainable if you deliver and meet your customers’ expectations. Suppose your customers are leaving satisfied and encouraged to revisit you; your referral network will go on driving business for you. Customer service and referral networks are interlinked, influencing each other greatly. You can use this to your advantage by developing in both departments while patiently waiting for observable results.

Suppose you overlook either of these aspects of your business. You may have already observed that neglecting this aspect of your business can make it difficult for you to use your referral network to its full potential. People are unlikely to give referrals due to the risk factor involved if you don’t meet the client’s expectations. The best referrals are when the customers are so pleased with the outcomes of your services that they feel obligated to spread the word and promote you over your competitors.

Quality over quantity

An impressive referral network is by no means an ever-expanding network built without creating those meaningful connections that lead to desirable outcomes. The readily available and far-reaching mediums available make it more convenient than ever to grow your network. When done correctly, you will be able to attract high quality leads within your ideal customer profile that will already be aware of the problems that you solve and actively looking to purchase a solution.

When giving out referrals, giving more than one can sometimes be a good idea because it can make it less likely for people to perceive you as biased; in addition, providing multiple referrals allows you to expect similar favors from numerous sources. It is still crucial that you carefully give out referrals since your reputation is also at stake.

An age-old maxim tells us that no man is an island, and no business can succeed without a network of people who have trust and confidence in them and their services. You cannot build such a network without delivering on your promise since referrals are only the beginning. What matters ultimately is the outcome that customers expect to receive when they choose you.

Patrick Parker

Patrick Parker is a pioneer in the SaaS and B2B industry He founded SaaS Partner to help entrepreneurs build million-dollar businesses In 4 years, Patrick has founded four companies and grow each of them to at least $1M in revenue. His life story is filled with challenges, and he credits his darkest times to being the catalyst for a turning point in his life. Today, Patrick is a self-made millionaire helping others to succeed in the digital age with the right tools and mindset.